American Splendor

0 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking

De inhoud van deze strip wordt gebundeld in volgende strips:

Opmerking inhoud

Bevat de verhalen:
- Travel Tips: Chicago's Great Restaurants #1
- Standing Behind Old Jewish Ladies in Supermarket Lines
- Awaking to the Terror of the New Day"
- Awaking to the Terror of the Same Old Day
- Short Weekend: A Story About the Cosmic and the Ordinary
- Getting Adjusted
- Vignettes 3 Thru 6
- Jack the Bellboy and Mr. Boats
- Overhead in the Cleveland Public Library
- Stetson Shoes
- Traditional Male Chauvinism
- Mr. Lopes' Gift
- Rollins on Time
- Travel Tips: Chicago's Great Restaurants #2

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