Bill Anderson

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
Action Comics Inkting
The Amazing Spider-Man: The Complete Alien Costume Saga Inkting
Batman and the Outsiders Inkting
Eagle (Vokes) Gastillustratie
Excalibur (Marvel) Inkting
Excalibur Visionaries: Warren Ellis Inkting
Green Lantern Inkting
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Inkting
Isabel Soto Tekeningen
Mage (The Hero Discovered) (Comico) Inkting cover
Marvel Masterworks: Uncanny X-Men Inkting
Nightstalkers Inkting
Nomad (Marvel) Inkting,Inkting cover
Nova (Marvel) Inkting cover
Shuriken Inkting
Skrog Inkting
Superman Inkting
Turtle Soup Inkting
Uncanny Origins Inkting
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus Inkting
Wilde Knight Lettering
X-Men Adventures Inkting
X-Men: The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix Inkting
X-Men: The Animated Series - The Adaptations Omnibus Inkting
X-O Manowar (Acclaim) Inkting