Toshifumi Yoshida

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
Battle Angel Alita Vertaling
Bio-Booster Armor Guyver Vertaling,Editor
Dirty pair anime comic Vertaling
Four Shojo Stories Editor
Genocyber (VIZ Comics) Vertaling
Kurosagi, livraison de cadavres Vertaling
Lycanthrope Leo Vertaling
Macross II Vertaling
Maison Ikkoku (Viz Media) Bewerking,Vertaling,Editor
Mermaid Saga (Viz Media) Editor
Negima! - Le maître magicien Vertaling
One Pound Gospel Editor
Pixy Junket Vertaling
Ranma 1/2 (VIZ 2-in-1 Edition) Vertaling
Ranma ½ Vertaling,Editor
The Return of Lum*Urusei Yatsura (Viz Comics) Editor
The Return of Lum*Urusei Yatsura (Viz) Editor
Rumic Theater Editor
Rumic World Editor
Sanctuary (Viz) Editor
They Were 11 Editor
Ultraman Classic: Battle of the Ultra-Brothers Vertaling