Ruth Redmond

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
A Year of Marvels
Avengers Assemble
Avengers: No More Bullying
Dead Letters
Dead Letters (Glénat)
Deadpool vs. Thanos
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars
Eve of Extinction (Panini)
Great Pacific
Half Past Danger
Hunt for Wolverine
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor
Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost
Imagine Agents
The Invincible Iron Man
The New Mutants
The New Warriors
Nova (Marvel)
Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War: Dark Angel
Revolutionary War: Knights of Pendragon
Revolutionary War: Motormouth
Revolutionary War: Super Soldiers
Robocop: Memento Mori
Robocop: The Human Element
Savage Wolverine
Star Wars: Life Day
Storm (Marvel)
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man
The Uncanny X-Men
Uncanny X-Men/Iron Man/Nova: No End in Sight
What If? Age of Ultron
X-Men: Blood Hunt
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever
X-O Manowar (Valiant)