Roy William Jr. Thomas

Pseudoniemen: R. T., Roy T., R. Thomas, Roy Thomas

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
3 in 1 Classics Scenario
3.D Man, Spider-Man et les 4 Fantastiques Scenario
The Adventures of Red Sonja Scenario,Editor,Voorwoord
All-New X-Men Scenario
Alter Ego (Heroic Publishing) Scenario
Amazing Adventures (Marvel) Scenario
The Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Scenario
The Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus Scenario,Editor
The Amazing Spider-Man Scenario,Editor
The Amazing Spider-Man: Firsts Scenario,Editor
Anthem (Heroic) Scenario
Arak (Arédit) Scenario
Arak (Artima) Scenario
Arrgh! Scenario,Editor
Atlantis Attacks Scenario
The Avengers Epic Collection Scenario
Avengers Spotlight Scenario
Avengers West Coast - Epic Collection Scenario
The Avengers Scenario,Editor
Avengers/X-Men: Bloodties Scenario
Avengers: Falcon Editor
Avengers: Kree/Skrull War Scenario
Avengers: L'intégrale Scenario
Avengers: West Coast Avengers Assemble Scenario
Batman Scenario
Beware! Scenario
Black Bolt: Something Inhuman This Way Comes Scenario
Black Knight (Marvel) Scenario
Black Widow: The Sting of the Widow Scenario
Het bloedige zwaard van Conan de barbaar Scenario
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Topps) Scenario
Captain America Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
Captain Carotte et son fabuleux Zoo club Scenario
Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt Scenario
The Cat Scenario,Editor
Champions (Eclipse/Heroic) Scenario
The Chronicles of Conan Scenario
The Chronicles of King Conan Scenario
The Chronicles of Kull Scenario
The Chronicles of Solomon Kane Scenario
Les chroniques de Conan Scenario
Classic Red Sonja Re-Mastered Scenario
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope Scenario
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen Editor
Comics parade Scenario
Conan - De weg der koningen Scenario
Conan de barbaar (Juniorpress specials) Scenario
Conan de barbaar (Peptoe) Scenario
Conan de Barbaar (Super strippocket) Scenario
Conan of the Isles Scenario
Conan Omnibus Scenario
Conan the Barbarian Scenario,Editor
Conan the Barbarian: Death Covered in Gold Scenario
Conan the Barbarian: Scarlet Sword Scenario
Conan the Barbarian: The Horn of Azoth Scenario
Conan the Rogue Scenario
Conan: Flame and the Fiend Scenario
Conan: Road of Kings Scenario
Conan: The Lord of the Spiders Scenario
Conan: The Ravagers Out of Time Scenario
Crazy! (comic) Scenario
Daredevil Scenario,Editor
Daredevil Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
DC Retroactive: Wonder Woman - The '80s Scenario
The Defenders (Marvel) Editor
Defenders: The Coming of the Defenders Scenario
Doc Savage Scenario,Editor
Doctor Strange Scenario,Editor
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Scenario
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Super Natural Scenario
Dracula (Marvel) Scenario
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan of the Apes (Dark Horse) Scenario
Elric (Pacific Comics) Scenario
Elric (Russell) Scenario
Elric of Melnibone Scenario
Elric: Sailor on the Seas of Fate Scenario
Essential Avengers Scenario,Editor
Essential Classic X-Men Scenario
Essential Conan Scenario
Essential Defenders Scenario
Essential Doctor Strange Scenario
Essential Marvel Horror Scenario,Tekeningen
Essential Marvel Team-Up Scenario
Essential Sub-Mariner Scenario
Fantastic Four Scenario,Editor
Fantastic Four Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) Scenario
Fantastic Four Unlimited Scenario
Fantastic Four/Inhumans: Atlantis Rising Scenario
Ghost Rider Scenario,Editor
Giant-Size Avengers/Invaders Scenario
Giant-Size Fantastic Four Editor
Giant-Size Ms. Marvel Scenario
Giant-Size Spider-Man Editor
Giant-Size X-Men Scenario
Gummi Tekeningen
Gunhawks Editor
Hulk (Liefhebbers serie) Scenario
De Hulk Scenario
Hulk: Broken Worlds Scenario
Hulk: Heart of the Atom Scenario
The Immortal Iron Fist Scenario
L' incredibile Devil Scenario
The Incredible Hercules Scenario
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
The Incredible Hulk Scenario,Editor
Infernal Man-Thing Scenario,Editor
The Infinity Gauntlet Aftermath Scenario
Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus Scenario
The Invaders Scenario,Editor
The Invincible Iron Man Scenario,Editor
Iron Man and Sub-Mariner Scenario
Iron Man Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
Ironhand Of Almuric Scenario
Journey Into Mystery Scenario,Editor
Ka-Zar Editor
Kapitein Marvel Scenario
Kull (Arédit) Scenario
Man-Thing: Le monstrueux homme-chose (Panini) Scenario
Marvel Comics Scenario
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) Scenario
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) Scenario,Editor
The Marvel Comics Art of Wally Wood Scenario
Marvel Illustrated: The Man in the Iron Mask Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Captain America Scenario,Editor
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel Scenario,Editor
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil Scenario,Editor
Marvel Masterworks: Doctor Strange Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Inhumans Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Team-Up Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Sgt. Fury Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers Scenario,Editor
Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four Scenario,Editor
Marvel Masterworks: The Incredible Hulk Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: The Invincible Iron Man Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor Editor
Marvel Masterworks: The Sub-Mariner Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Warlock Scenario
Marvel Movie Showcase featuring Star Wars Scenario
Marvel Premiere Scenario,Editor
Marvel Special Edition: Star Wars Scenario,Editor
Marvel Super Special Scenario,Editor
Marvel Super-Heroes Scenario,Editor
Marvel Tales (starring Spider-Man) Editor
Marvel Team-Up Scenario
Marvel Treasury Edition Scenario
Marvel Universe: Wolverine Editor
Marvel's Space-Born Superhero! Captain Marvel Scenario
Michael Moorcock's Elric: The Dreaming City Scenario
Moon Knight Epic Collection Editor
Mystic Arcana Scenario
Mystic Arcana: Black Knight Scenario
Night Nurse Editor
Night Rider Scenario
Nightmask Scenario
Not Brand Echh! Scenario
Pep - Weekblad 1974 (Jaargang 13) Scenario
Pep - Weekblad 1975 (Jaargang 14) Scenario
Pizzazz Scenario
Power Man Scenario,Editor
The Rampaging Hulk Scenario
The Rawhide Kid (Cornell/Atlas/Marvel) Scenario,Editor
Red Sonja (Dynamite Entertainment) Scenario
Red Sonja (Marvel) Scenario
Red Sonja (Oberon) Scenario
Red Sonja: Monster Isle Scenario
Red Wolf Scenario,Editor
Rode spijkers Scenario
S.H.I.E.L.D. by Steranko: The Complete Collection Scenario
The Saga of Solomon Kane Scenario
Saga of the Sub-Mariner Scenario
Savage Sword Scenario
The Savage Sword of Conan (Dark Horse) Scenario
The savage sword of Conan - La collection (Hachette) Scenario
The Savage Sword of Conan Scenario
Secret Origins Scenario,Editor
Shanna, the She-Devil Editor
Sheriff classics Tekeningen
SHIELD Scenario
De spectaculaire Spider-Man (Oberon/Juniorpress) Tekeningen
Spider-Island: Emergence of Evil - Jackal & Hobgoblin Editor
Spider-Woman Scenario
Spitfire and the Troubleshooters Scenario
Spoof (Marvel) Scenario,Editor
Star Brand Scenario
Star Brand Classic Scenario
Star Wars (Dark Horse) Scenario
Star Wars (Junior Press) Scenario
Star Wars (Marvel) Scenario,Editor
Star Wars - Het verhaal van de film als strip! Scenario
Star Wars Classic (Delcourt) Scenario
Star Wars Omnibus Scenario,Editor
Star Wars Remastered Filmboek Scenario
Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: The original Marvel Years Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: The original Marvel Years Omnibus Scenario
Star-Lord: Tears for Heaven Editor
Storm - De kronieken van Roodhaar Scenario
Sub-Mariner & the Original Human Torch Scenario
Sub-Mariner Comics 70th Anniversary Special Scenario
The Sub-Mariner Scenario,Editor
Superman's Metropolis Scenario
Supernatural Thrillers Scenario,Editor
Tales of the Batman - Gene Colan Scenario
tempCVDM Scenario,Editor
Tex Dawson, Gun-slinger Editor
Thor Scenario,Editor
Thor (Marvel Special) Scenario
Thor: Across All Worlds Scenario
Thunderbolts: Marvel's Most Wanted Scenario
The Tomb of Dracula Editor
Tor Voorwoord
Trojan War Scenario
The Uncanny X-Men Scenario
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (Curtis) Scenario,Editor
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction - Giant Size Special Editor
De verbijsterende Hulk (Pocket) Scenario
De Vier Verdedigers Editor
Warlock (Marvel) Scenario,Editor
Werewolf by Night Editor
The West Coast Avengers Scenario
What If...? Scenario,Editor
Within Our Reach Scenario
Women of Marvel Scenario,Editor
Wyatt Earp Editor
X-Men Classics Scenario
X-Men Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
X-Men Gold Scenario
The X-Men Omnibus Scenario
X-Men: The Adamantium Collection Scenario