Geoff Johns

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
The 52 Scenario
9-11 Artists respond Scenario
Action Comics Scenario
Aquaman Scenario
Aquaman (Lion/Urban Comics) Scenario
Avengers (Best Comics) Scenario
Avengers Icons: The Vision Scenario
The Avengers Scenario
B.P.R.D.: Night Train Scenario
B.P.R.D.: The Soul of Venice and Other Stories Scenario
Batman Scenario
Batman by Ed Brubaker Scenario
Batman/Flash (Collector pack) Scenario
Batman: Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Scenario
Batman: Earth One Scenario
Batman: Three Jokers Scenario
Batman: Under the Cowl Scenario
Black Hammer: Visiones Scenario
Black Hammer: Visions Scenario
Blackest Night Scenario
Blackest Night (Urban Comics) Scenario
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps Scenario
Blackest Night: The Flash Scenario
Booster Gold Scenario
Brightest Day Scenario
Brightest Day (Urban Comics) Scenario
Catwoman (DC) Scenario
Catwoman Secret Files and Origins Scenario
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros Scenario
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros - Premium Scenario
DC Saga Scenario
DC Universe Scenario
DC Universe (Hors série) Scenario
Detective Comics Scenario
Doomsday Clock (Dark Dragon) Scenario
Doomsday Clock (DC Comics) Scenario
Fathom Voorwoord
The Flash Scenario
The Flash: Rebirth Scenario
Flashpoint (Dark Dragon Books) Scenario
Flashpoint (DC) Scenario
Geiger Scenario
Geiger 80-Page Giant Scenario
Geoff Johns présente Green Lantern Scenario
Geoff Johns présente Superman Scenario
Ghosts (Vertigo) Scenario
Green Arrow Scenario
Green Lantern Scenario
Green Lantern (Lion) Scenario
Green Lantern (Urban Comics) Scenario
Green Lantern Corps Scenario
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge Scenario
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Hal Jordan Scenario
Green Lantern Movie Prequel: Sinestro Scenario
Green Lantern Saga Scenario
Green Lantern Super Spectacular Scenario
Green Lantern: Larfleeze Christmas Special Scenario
Green Lantern: Rebirth Scenario
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War Scenario
Green Lantern: Wedergeboorte Scenario
Green Lanterns Scenario
Hawkman Scenario
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Scenario
Infinite Crisis Omnibus Scenario
JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice Scenario
JSA Scenario
JSA - Secret Files & Origins Scenario
JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom Scenario
JSA: All Stars Scenario
Junkyard Joe Scenario
Justice League Scenario
Justice League (Lion) Scenario
Justice League (Urban Comics) Scenario
Justice League International Scenario
Justice League of America Scenario
Justice League of America (Lion) Scenario
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) Scenario
Metal Hurlant (Humanoids) Scenario
Morlocks Scenario
Noble Causes: Archives Scenario
Noble Causes: Extended Family Scenario
Olympus (Guice) Scenario
El origen de Superman Scenario
The Possessed Scenario
Shazam (Lion) Scenario
Starman Scenario
Superman Scenario
Superman/Batman Scenario
Superman: Last Son Scenario
Superman: New Krypton Scenario
Superman: New Krypton Special Scenario
Superman: Secret Origin Scenario
Superman: Secret Origin (Dark Dragon Books) Scenario
Superman: That Healing Touch Scenario
Superman: The Last Son of Krypton FCBD Special Scenario
Superman: The Man of Steel Scenario
Superman: The Men of Tomorrow Scenario
Teen Titans/Outsiders: Secret Files Scenario
Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Death and Return of Donna Troy Scenario
The Thing: Freakshow Scenario
Tiny Titans Scenario
Tom Strong Scenario
Tom Strong Compendium Scenario
Ultimate X-Men Scenario
Untold Tales of Blackest Night Scenario
Wonder Woman Scenario
Wonder Woman - L'odyssée Scenario
The World of Black Hammer - Library Edition Scenario