Zachary Rau

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
100 Bullets Editor
Adventures in the Rifle Brigade: Operation Bollock Editor
Angel and the Ape Editor
Batman Editor
Beware the Creeper (Chiang) Editor
Blood and Water Editor
Codename Knockout Editor
Fight for tomorrow Editor
The Filth Editor
Hellblazer (DC/Vertigo) Editor
Hellblazer Special: Lady Constantine Editor
Human Target (Vertigo) Editor
Hunter: The Age of Magic Editor
The Losers Editor
Lovecraft Editor
Midnight, Mass. Editor
Midnight, Mass: Here There Be Monsters Editor
S.C.I.-Spy Editor
Sgt. Rock: Between Hell & A Hard Place Editor
Star Wars (Photo Comic) Editor
Transformers Animated Tekeningen
The Transformers Animated: Free Comic Book Day Scenario,Tekeningen,Cover
Transmetropolitan Editor
War Stories (Avatar) Editor
War Stories (Vertigo) Editor
Y: The Last Man Editor