Randy Stradley

Pseudoniemen: Mick Harrison, Welles Hartley

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
9-11 Artists respond Scenario
The Abyss Scenario,Kleuren,Redactie
Alien Vs. Predator: Life and Death Editor
Aliens Editor
Aliens (Abril) Editor
Aliens Omnibus Editor
Aliens vs. Predator Scenario,Editor
Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus Scenario,Editor
Aliens vs. Predator: Duel Scenario
Aliens vs. Predator: The Essential Comics Scenario
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War Scenario
Aliens vs. Predator: War Scenario
Aliens: Life and Death Editor
Aliens: Pig Editor
Atomic Legion Editor
Barb Wire Editor
Blackout Scenario
Classic Star Wars Editor
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago Scenario
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures Editor
Compleat Aliens Editor
Conan / Star Wars-- Free Comic Book Day 2006 Special Scenario,Editor
Concrete Editor
Concrete Celebrates Earth Day Editor
Concrete: Collected Volumes Editor
Concrete: Color Special Editor
Concrete: Eclectica Editor
Concrete: Fragile Creature Editor
Concrete: Hero Illustrated Special Editor
Concrete: Killer Smile Editor
Concrete: Strange Armor Editor
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain Editor
El corazon del imperio Editor
Cross Editor
The Dark Horse Book of Hauntings Scenario
Dark Horse Comics Scenario,Editor
Dark Horse Presents Scenario,Editor
Dark Horse Presents Aliens Editor
Dark Horse Presents Fifth Anniversary Special Scenario
A Decade of Dark Horse Scenario,Editor
Essential Spider-Woman Artistiek directeur
Frank Miller's Sin City Editor
Frank Miller's Sin City: One for One Editor
Free Comic Book Day 2012 Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64/Star Wars Editor
Ghost (Dark Horse) Editor
Giants Editor
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright Editor
Hellboy: Weird Tales Scenario
Hieroglyph Editor
The Immortal: Demon in the Blood Editor
Ironhand Of Almuric Editor
King Tiger Scenario
Lone Wolf 2100: Chase the Setting Sun Editor
Marshal Law: Super Babylon Editor
Marshal Law: The Deluxe Edition Editor
Martha Washington Editor
Predator: Hunters Editor
Predator: Life and Death Editor
Prometheus: Life and Death Editor
Prometheus: Life and Death – Final Conflict Editor
Robocop Versus the Terminator Editor
The Sakai Project Editor
Shaper Editor
Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders Editor
Solomon Kane: The Castle of the Devil Editor
Spider-Woman Editor
Star Wars (Dark Horse) Editor
Star Wars (Marvel) Scenario
Star Wars (Photo Comic) Editor
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) Editor
Star Wars - Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special Editor
Star Wars - Icones Scenario
Star Wars - L'empire écarlate (Delcourt) Scenario
Star Wars - Rebellion (Delcourt) Scenario
Star Wars Adventures (Dark Horse) Editor
Star Wars Classic (Delcourt) Scenario
Star Wars Infinities: Return of The Jedi Editor
Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back Editor
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) Scenario,Editor
Star Wars Legends: Clone Wars - Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
Star Wars Legends: Legacy - Epic Collection Editor
Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi - Epic Collection Editor
Star Wars Legends: The Empire - Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic - Epic Collection Editor
Star Wars Legends: The Rebellion - Epic Collection Scenario,Editor
Star Wars Omnibus Scenario,Editor
Star Wars Tales Scenario
Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Scenario
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets Editor
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Iron Eclipse Editor
Star Wars: Blood Ties Editor
Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is Dead Editor
Star Wars: Boba Fett - Man With a Mission Editor
Star Wars: Boba Fett - Overkill Editor
Star Wars: Clone Wars Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: Crimson Empire Scenario
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood Scenario
Star Wars: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost Verhaal,Editor
Star Wars: Dark Empire II Editor
Star Wars: Dark Empire Trilogy Editor
Star Wars: Dark Times Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: Dark Times (Delcourt) Scenario
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains Scenario
Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier Scenario
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence Editor
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir (Dark Horse) Editor
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison Editor
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command Editor
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm Editor
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War Editor
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan Editor
Star Wars: Empire Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: Episode I Editor
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Editor
Star Wars: Invasion Editor
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues Editor
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations Editor
Star Wars: Jango Fett Editor
Star Wars: Jango Fett - Open Seasons Editor
Star Wars: Jedi Editor
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side Editor
Star Wars: Jedi Council - Acts of War Scenario
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Editor
Star Wars: Legacy Editor
Star Wars: Legacy: War Editor
Star Wars: Obsession Editor
Star Wars: Purge - Last Stand of the Jedi Editor
Star Wars: Purge - Seconds to Die Editor
Star Wars: Purge - The Hidden Blade Editor
Star Wars: Rebel Heist Editor
Star Wars: Rebellion Editor
Star Wars: Republic Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Editor
Star Wars: Special 2008 Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters (Dark Horse) Scenario
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Shipyards of Doom Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Strange Allies Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Colossus of Destiny Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Enemy Within Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Sith Hunters Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Starcrusher Trap Editor
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Wind Raiders of Taloraan Editor
Star Wars: The Crimson Empire Saga Scenario
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Editor
Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy Editor
Star Wars: Vector (Dark Horse) Scenario,Editor
Star Wars: Vector (Delcourt) Scenario
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Leader Editor
Star Wars: Zam Wesell Editor
Superman Scenario
The Tale of One Bad Rat Editor
Tales to Offend Editor
The World Below Editor