Heimdall/Heimdallr (myhologische figuur)

In de reeks De Vier Verdedigers

58 Rauwe Bonk contra het Ding!

In de reeks Thunderbolt Jaxon

1 The Unbinding
2 The Quickening
3 The Bargain
4 In Fire and Ice
5 Ragnarok
INT 1 Thunderbolt Jaxon

In de reeks The Mighty Thor

9 The Mighty Tanarus, Part 2: The Walk

In de reeks Journey Into Mystery

C631 Issue #631
INT C2 Fear Itself Fallout

In de reeks Uncanny Avengers

6 The Apocalypse Twins, Part 1
INT 2 The Apocalypse Twins

In de reeks Uncanny Avengers (Standaard)

2 Deel 2

In de reeks Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette)

60 Fear Itself

In de reeks Thor

A14 Hammer Time!
A20 Empty Vessels
A21 As Turneth the Tide
A30 Winter's Edge
A35 Across All Worlds
A37(539) Valor's Cauldron
A41(543) Taking Charge, Part 1
A46(548) By Fire Born, Part 1
A56(558) Resistance
A58(560) Standoff, Part 1
A62(564) Spiral, Part 3: Flames of Passion
A66(568) Spiral, Part 7: Cometh the End