Sardath (DC)

In de reeks Starman

A52 Men of Two Worlds
A53 The Long Goodbyes
A60 Stars My Destination, Finale: Worlds Collide
INT A7 A Starry Knight
INT A8 Stars My Destination

In de reeks L.E.G.I.O.N.

14 The Sound of Silence

In de reeks Batman/Superman

A19 Across Worlds!
INT A3 The Archive of Worlds

In de reeks Adam Strange (DC Comics)

2 Adam Strange: The Man of Two Worlds, Part 2
3 Adam Strange: The Man of Two Worlds, Part 3
INT 1 Adam Strange: The Man of Two Worlds
A1 Planet Heist, Part 1
A5 Planet Heist, Part 5
A6 Planet Heist, Part 6
A7 Planet Heist, Part 7
A8 Planet Heist, Part 8
INT A1 Adam Strange: Planet Heist