The Real Ghostbusters (Titan Books)

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Bundelt volgende verhalen uit The Real Ghostbusters (Marvel UK) :
- Trouble Vision
- Hawaii Fire-Ho!
- Spook Alley!
- The Sword and the Spirit!
- Ghoul Fishing!
- Gangbusters!
- Ghost Rappin’
- Three-Ring Freak-Show Circus!
- Tobin’s Spirit!
- Trapped!
- Little Devil
- Snack Attack!
- Stick Out Your Tongue and Say…AAAARGH!
- Fooled For Love!
- Neanderthal Nightmare!
- Centaur of Attention!
- Office Bound
- The Curse of the Ancient Mariner
- Ghost-Nappers!
- Spengler’s Spirit Guide: Great Ghostbusters of History, Werewolves, UFOs, Activity-Dedicated Repeaters, Mystic Artifacts

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