Reeks (alfabetisch) | Functie(s) |
Area 88 | Vertaling | |
Baoh | Editor | |
Battle Angel Alita (VIZ Comics) | Editor | |
Bio-Booster Armor Guyver | Editor | |
Cobra (VIZ Comics) | Editor | |
Crying Freeman (Viz Comics) | Editor | |
Dirty pair anime comic | Editor | |
Fist of the North Star | Vertaling | |
Genocyber (VIZ Comics) | Editor | |
Grey | Vertaling | |
Heavy Metal Warrior Xenon | Vertaling | |
Justy | Vertaling | |
Lum*Urusei Yatsura (Viz) | Vertaling | |
Lycanthrope Leo | Editor | |
Macross II | Editor | |
Macross ll: The Micron Conspiracy | Editor | |
Mai, the psychic girl (VIZ Comics) | Vertaling | |
Maison Ikkoku (Viz Media) | Editor | |
Mermaid Forest | Editor | |
Mermaid Saga (Viz Media) | Editor | |
Midnight Eye | Editor | |
Nausicaä | Editor | |
Pineapple Army (Viz Comics) | Vertaling | |
Pixy Junket | Editor | |
The Professional: Golgo 13 | Editor | |
Ranma ½ | Editor | |
Rumic World | Editor | |
Sanctuary (Viz) | Editor | |
Shion: Blade of the Minstrel | Vertaling | |
Silent Möbius (Viz Comics) | Editor |