Nicola Righi

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Elfen 17 Het zwarte bloed van de Boselfen 9187 / 7.04
Prometheus (Bec) 20 De citadel 7.00
Prometheus (Bec) 21 Antechton
Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories 6 Inside Job
Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories 10 Bad Batch, Right Stuff
Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories INT 2 Scum and Villainy
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures - The Monster of Temple Peak 1 Saber-For-Hire
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures - The Monster of Temple Peak 2 Weaver Attack
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures - The Monster of Temple Peak 3 Into the Lair
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures - The Monster of Temple Peak 4 Bones of a Jedi
Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren 3 Issue #3
Vestiges 1 La renaissance des dieux
Vestiges 2 Le retour de l'armée
Vestiges INT 1 Intégrale