Charlie Adlard

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Walking Dead (Silvester) 26 / 8.48
The Walking Dead 69 / 8.30
Black Orchid 347 / 7.89
Walking Dead (Semic/Delcourt) 2629 / 6.85
2000 AD - 2004
2000 AD - 2005
45 [Forty-Five]
Astronauts in Trouble
Astronauts in trouble (Delcourt)
Batman: Gotham Knights
Before The Fantastic Four: The Storms
Big Book of
Bishop: The Last X-Man
The CBLDF Presents Liberty Annual
Corpus Hermeticum
The Crow: Midnight Legends (Delcourt)
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros
Fury & Black Widow
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Gung-Ho: Sexy Beast
Harley Quinn
Hellblazer (DC/Vertigo)
Infinite Loop (IDW)
John Constantine: Hellblazer
Judge Dredd: Brothers of the Blood
Judge Dredd: Doomsday for Dredd
Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files
The Li'l Depressed Boy
Mars Attacks (Topps)
Negan Lives!
Nikolai Dante
Oblivion Song
Plants Vs. Zombies
Rock Bottom
Savage (Adlard)
Skybound X
Le souffle du wendigo
Superman: Super Fiction
That Texas Blood
Traces de la Grande Guerre
Undiscovered Country
Vampire State Building (Ablaze)
Vampire State Building (Silvester)
Vampire state building (Soleil)
The Walking Dead Deluxe
The Walking Dead Survivors' Guide
The Walking Dead: Here's Negan!
The Walking Dead: Michonne Special
The Walking Dead: The Governor Special
The Walking Dead: Tyreese Special
White death
The X-Files Archives (Glénat)
The X-Files Classics
X-Men: Hellfire Club