Dennis O'Neil

Pseudoniemen: Denny O'Neil

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
9-11 Artists respond Scenario
Alpha Flight Editor
Avengers: Ultron Forever Scenario
Azrael Scenario
Azrael: Agent of the Bat Scenario
Batgirl Editor
Batman Scenario,Editor,Nawoord
Batman & Dracula: Red Rain Editor
Batman (Baldakijn) Scenario
Batman (Classics) Scenario
Batman (Comics USA) Editor
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight Editor
Batman album (Classics) Scenario
Batman and Robin: The Official Comic Adaptation of the Warner Bros. Motion Picture Scenario
The Batman Chronicles Scenario,Editor
Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams Scenario
Batman special (Baldakijn/Junior Press) Scenario
Batman vs. Predator Editor
Batman/Aliens Editor
Batman/Daredevil Editor
Batman/Demon: A Tragedy Editor
Batman/Green Arrow: The Poison Tomorrow Scenario
Batman/Grendel Editor
Batman/Houdini: The Devil's Workshop Editor
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood Editor
Batman: Absolution Editor
Batman: Birth of the Demon Scenario,Editor
Batman: Black and White Scenario,Editor
Batman: Bloodstorm Editor
Batman: Bride of the Demon Editor
Batman: Castle of the Bat Editor
Batman: Contagion Scenario,Editor
Batman: Crimson Mist Editor
Batman: Dark Joker - The Wild Editor
Batman: Dark Knight, Dark City Editor
Batman: Gotham Knights Editor
Batman: Haunted Gotham Editor
Batman: Het zwaard van Azrael Scenario
Batman: I, Joker Editor
Batman: Knightfall Scenario,Editor
Batman: Knightfall - 25th Anniversary Edition Scenario,Editor
Batman: Knightquest - The Search Scenario
Batman: League of Batmen Editor
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Scenario,Editor
Batman: Master of the Future Editor
Batman: Night cries Editor
Batman: No Man's Land Scenario,Editor
Batman: Road to No Man's Land Scenario,Editor
Batman: Shadow of the Bat Editor
Batman: Sword of Azrael Scenario
Batman: Tales of the Demon Scenario,Editor
Batman: The Caped Crusader Editor
Batman: The Chalice Editor
Batman: The Chalice (Bundeling) Editor
Batman: The Cult Editor
Batman: The Dark Knight Detective Scenario
Batman: The Killing Joke Editor
Batman: The Last Angel Editor
Batman: The Official Comic Adaptation Scenario
Batman: The Ring, the Arrow and the Bat Scenario
Batman: Two Faces Editor
Batman: Vengeance of Bane Editor
Big Apple Comix Scenario
Birds of Prey Editor
Birds of Prey: The Ravens Editor
Bizarre Adventures Editor
Black Canary Editor
Black Lightning Scenario
Catwoman (DC) Editor
Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham Editor
Catwoman: The Movie and Other Cat Tales Editor
Christmas with the Super-Heroes Scenario
Daredevil Scenario,Editor
Daredevil (Nona Arte) Scenario
Daredevil and Batman Editor
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson Scenario,Editor
Daredevil Omnibus Scenario
Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller Editor
Daredevil: Born Again Scenario
The Darkness/Batman Editor
DC Comics - La légende de Batman Scenario,Editor
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros Scenario
DC Retroactive: Batman - The '90s Editor
DC Retroactive: Green Lantern - The '70s Scenario
DC Retroactive: Wonder Woman - The '70s Scenario
DC Special Series Scenario
The Demon Editor
Detective Comics Scenario,Editor
Doctor Fate Editor
Dragonslayer Scenario
Elektra by Frank Miller Omnibus Editor
The Elektra Saga Scenario,Editor
Essential Doctor Strange Scenario
Essential Moon Knight Scenario,Editor
Essential Spider-Woman Editor
Firestorm, The Nuclear Man Editor
The Fury of Firestorm Editor
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Editor
Giant-Size Spider-Woman Editor
Gotham Central Editor
Gotham Nights Editor
Green Arrow Scenario
Groene lantaarn Scenario
Hawkeye Editor
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Editor
The Incredible Hulk Editor
Indiana Jones special (JuniorPress) Scenario
The Invincible Iron Man Scenario
Iron Man Epic Collection Scenario
Iron Man: Iron Monger Scenario
James Bond: For Your Eyes Only Editor
Jerry Robinson Voorwoord
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: Doctor Strange Scenario
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Scenario
Marvel Super Special Scenario,Editor
Marvel Team-Up Editor
Marvel Visionaries: Hulk Editor
Mister Miracle Editor
Moon Knight (Junior Press) Scenario
Moon Knight (Marvel) Editor
Moon Knight Epic Collection Editor
New Mutants Epic Collection Editor
Nightwing Scenario
Nightwing: Alfred's Return Editor
The Rampaging Hulk Scenario
The Rawhide Kid (Cornell/Atlas/Marvel) Scenario
Rawhide Kid (Juniorpress) Scenario
Robin (DC Comics) Editor
Robin - Bundelingen (DC Comics) Editor
Robin II (DC Comics) Editor
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress Editor
De schim (Classics) Scenario
The Shadow (DC Comics) Scenario,Editor
The Shadow: 1941 Scenario
Sherlock Holmes (Classics) Scenario,Editor
SHIELD Scenario
Showcase '94 Editor
Showcase Presents Bat Lash Scenario
De spectaculaire Spider-Man (Oberon/Juniorpress) Tekeningen
De spectaculaire Spiderman Scenario
Spider-Woman Editor
The Spirit (DC Comics) Scenario
Spirit Jam Verhaal
Strange (LUG) Scenario
Strange Tales Scenario
Superman Scenario
Superman (Classics) Scenario
Superman (Semic) Scenario
Superman et Batman et Robin Scenario
Superman pocket (Classics) Scenario
Superman vs. Muhammad Ali Scenario
Tales of the Batman - Don Newton Scenario
Tales of the Batman - Tim Sale Editor
Team America Scenario,Editor
Thriller magazine Scenario
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus Editor
The Uncanny X-Men Scenario,Editor
Unknown Soldier Editor
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (Curtis) Scenario
X-Men and Alpha Flight Editor
X-Men Epic Collection Editor
The X-Men Omnibus Scenario
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga Editor