Carlo Pagulayan

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Batman 224 / 8.02
45 [Forty-Five]
Agents of Atlas
Alpha Flight
Atlas (Marvel)
Avengers vs. X-Men
Avengers: X-Sanction
Batman & Robin Eternal
Batman Beyond
Batman/Superman: World's Finest
Battle Scars
Castle: Richard Castle's Deadly Storm
Castle: Richard Castle's Unholy Storm
Chaos War: X-Men
Dark Reign: Accept Change
Dark Reign: New Nation
Deathstroke: Rebirth
Emma Frost
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Heroic Age: Prince of Power
The Incredible Hercules
The Incredible Hulk
Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force
The Invincible Iron Man
Iron Man (Standaard)
Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four
Marvel Adventures: Hulk
Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette)
Marvel Knights: 4
Marvel Now! Omnibus
Marvel Zombies
The Mighty Avengers
The New Avengers
New X-Men: Academy X
New X-Men: Academy X - The Complete Collection
Red She-Hulk
Secret Warriors
Silver Surfer
Skaar: Son of Hulk
Skaar: Son of Hulk Presents: Savage World of Sakaar
Star Wars (Marvel)
Star Wars: The High Republic
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - Alpha
True Believers: Planet Hulk
Ultimate Comics: X-Men
Ultimate Fallout
Uncanny X-Force
What If? Planet Hulk
World War Hulk: Gamma Files
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas
X-Men: First Class