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The Will Eisner Sketchbook provides the first behind-the-scenes look at the creation of some of the greatest masterpieces of sequential art. In the first Eisner sketchbook ever published, the father of the modern graphic novel shares concepts sketches, character studies, and fabulous Eisner cityscapes in a rich selection of drawings showing the evolution of his mature works from his first working ideas to the final narrative. From the Spirit to Jacob Starkah, from Central City to Dropsie Avenue, this glorious sketchbook lets the viewer be present at the creation of some of the greatest comics of all time.

Will Eisner’s career spans the entire history of comic books form the formative days of the 1930s, through the 1940s when he revolutionized narrative sequential art with internationally famed series, The Spirit, to his mature work which, beginning in the 1970s, led the field in the creation of the contemporary graphic novel form. In addition to his award-winning graphic novels, he is the author of the influential study, Comics and Sequential Art.
Geplaatst op 26/10/2010 Citeren
Geplaatst op 26/10/2010
Avatar Iyo74
Toegevoegd! Bedankt voor de aanvulling.

Je kan die inderdaad achteraf zelf nog toevoegen (maar dan moet het album reeds goedgekeurd zijn door 1 van ons). Gewoon klikken op 'aanpassen' en bij 'covertekst' intypen.
Geplaatst op 26/10/2010 Citeren
Geplaatst op 26/10/2010