Catwoman/Eiko Hasigawa

In de reeks Catwoman (DC)

C35 Comfort To the Hurt of the King
C36 Keeper of the Castle
C37 Sooner or Later You Will Descend
C38 The Serpent
C39 Better Than He Does Himself
C40 The Issue and End
C41 Caesar or Nothing, Part 1
C43 Them That Bear It
C45 The Daugher of One Who Had No Fear
C46 Not Forgotten
INT C6 Keeper of the Castle
C AN2 When Seeking Cats

In de reeks Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Red Hood vs. Anarky

1 In Sickness and in Health

In de reeks Batman: Prelude to the Wedding

1 Batman: Prelude to the Wedding

In de reeks Batman

B125 Failsafe, Part 1
B138(903) The Gotham War, Part 4