Optimus Prime

In de reeks The Transformers

C1 ...For All Mankind
C7 Issue #7
C17 Revenge of the Decepticons, Part 4: Burning Chrome
C18 Revenge of the Decepticons, Part 5: The Demolished Man
C28 Chaos, Part 3: Kings

In de reeks Infestation 2

1 Issue #1

In de reeks Infestation 2: Transformers

2 Issue #2

In de reeks Rom

5 Issue #5
INT 2 Reinforcements

In de reeks Transformers/Ghostbusters

1 Ghosts of Cybertron, Part 1
3 Ghosts of Cybertron, Part 3
4 Ghosts of Cybertron, Part 4
5 Ghosts of Cybertron, Part 5

In de reeks Revolution

1 Concord Hymn
2 The Divine Source of Liberty
5 Valley Forge
INT 1 Revolution

In de reeks Transformers: All Hail Megatron

15 Issue #15
16 Issue #16
INT 4 Coda
INT *1 Transformers: All Hail Megatron