Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor

0 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking
Scenario Stan Lee
Tekeningen Jack Kirby
Cover Jack Kirby

Opmerking uitgave

(Regular dust jacket)

Opmerking inhoud

Journey Into Mystery #121-125
Thor #126-130

-The power! The passion! The pride!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 4/11: Maelstrom!
-Where mortals fear to tread!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 5/11: The grim specter of mutiny!
-While a universe trembles!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 6/11: The jaws of the dragon!
-The grandeur and the glory!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 7/11: Closer comes the swarm!
-When meet the immortals!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 8/11: The queen commands
-Whom the gods would destroy!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 9/11: The summons!
-The hammer and the holocaust!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 10/11: The meaning of... Ragnarok!
-The power of Pluto!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 11/11: Aftermath!
-The verdict of Zeus!
-Tales of Asgard: The Warlock's Eye 1/5: The hordes of Harokin!
-Thunder in the netherworld!
-Tales of Asgard: The Warlock's Eye 2/5: The fateful change!

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